Where Eagles Fly – The American Wilderness Expedition is a trans-media production based around a series of 4 large-screen documentary films which are the cornerstones from which all other programming extends. Currently, in pre-production, this film series is in the style of early Disney Nature / Adventure films. The audience experiences a beautiful, exciting and awe-inspiring journey through spectacular wilderness and hinterlands from a rare perspective in that special zone Where Eagles Fly.
Content Types
Large Screen IMAX Cinema
The series of four large-screen format films in the order which they will be produced are as follows:
- Where Eagles Fly In the Rocky Mountains
- Where Eagles Fly Above the Appalachian Mountains
- Where Eagles Fly Along the Alaskan Wilderness
- Where Eagles Fly Deep in the Canadian Wilderness
Shooting in Ultra-HD 6K with a custom aerial camera platform designed specifically for this expedition, each film features a combination of breathtaking footage, stirring soundtrack, powerful narration, and the immersive large-screen IMAX medium to arouse in viewers a passionate desire to preserve our treasured wilderness.
Run-time is 40 minutes long including rolling credits and will be distributed into the global institutional Large Screen and IMAX theatrical circuit; Museums, Universities, Planetariums, National Parks and Specialty Installations such as Casinos, Festivals, and Amusement Parks.
The initial project launch will be via the grassroots audience already developed on Facebook and Instagram. Utilizing the various posting formats offered by each platform, the goal is to increase audience engagement by funneling them to the official project website. The following is an overview of how the different formats work together to leverage content appeal as a traffic driver.
Micro Cinema
These are 60 seconds in length and either a) stand-alone films, b) shortened versions or c) divided versions of the full-length Adventure Cinema or Ambient Cinema films.
47 Micro Cinema films are currently available with more in development, for a total of 52 for this initial set to launch interest in the project.
Adventure Cinema
These film shorts are 2 – 15 minutes long and are either a) stand-alone films or b) multiple parts of a longer story.
10 Adventure Cinema films are currently available with more in development for a total of 12.
Ambient Cinema
These film shorts are 2 – 30 minutes long and are all stand alone.
5 Ambient Cinema films are currently available with more in development for a total of 10.
Picture Stories
Photographs or sets of photographs with accompanying background story. 131 stories are currently available with many more in development.
Dynamic Photo Album (Aerial Wilderness)
Photographic sets displayed in a slow transitioning cyclic cascade effect. 13 albums are currently available with many more in development.
Asynchronous Social Media Marketing Strategy