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This is the southern end of the Lewis Range in the Rocky Mountains of Montana, on the northern edge of the Lewis and Clark National Forest. Flying above Elk Ridge just south of Pivot Mountain right after a rainstorm passed through, I witnessed this scene of early morning mist rising out of the Spotted Bear River and drifting up through the valleys and ridges.
Zedekiah: ” This was shot in early November when the air is cool with the storm rolling in but the groundwater is still warm creating morning mist rising from the small mountainside creeks that feed into the Spotted Bear River Creek. I was skedaddling out as fast as I could eastbound to beat a rapidly moving storm from closing in and trapping me in the area. Flying through this rugged wilderness requires great attention to weather conditions.”
Along the upper right side is the Limestone Wall and directly behind and above lies Silvertip Mountain. In the center is Pivot Mountain and across the distance to the south is the Bob Marshall Wilderness. This area is full of wildlife including wolverine, deer, elk, moose, grizzly bear, black bear, mountain goat, mountain sheep, and mountain lion.